Through the Window During Lockdown

This is the view from our rooftop and my studio window. It is the first time I have ever painted the skyline like this. During lockdown we had the most amazing skies. Everything was eerily still, not a sound but birds. I wanted to capture a view that I absolutely loved, and is actually the reason we have been living in this beautiful apartment for the past 8 years.

These clouds particularly resonated with the heaviness of the boredom of being locked in. Once again, the yellow represents optimism for the future and the joy we will feel when we can get back outside. I missed scooting around those alleyways and colourful skinny buildings so tried to include that in the painting too.

This is the LAST painting of this series (I think). Painting all those windows did me in – never doing that again, haha. The clouds once again were incredibly surreal and moody, they just had to be captured in paint. I was going to do the whole scene but thought no one would believe they were really like that, so I cropped it.

This is the other view we see from our rooftop and kitchen window. We have seen nearly all of these buildings being constructed over the past 8 years. I tried to make the buildings a little wobbly and uneven to represent the rapid development. We have also had some good friends living there so painting these buildings reminds me of them.


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