New Beginnings Nha Trang

Media:  Acrylic on Canvas

Size:  80x80cms

Inspiration:  This was from a spectacular sunrise from our pool villa on the clifftop at The Mia, Nha Trang. It is my first sunrise painting because honestly, I don’t often get up to see the sunrise, even though I should. It is a spectacular hour of the day. For me it represents new beginnings, and is the perfect time for yoga, and just reflecting, while observing and relaxing the mind. 

My goal was to achieve the glow and some realism in the sky, whilst stylising and flattening the ocean. This is my first painting without the figure because I loved the open space. Putting a figure in the corner creates a triangle composition which keeps your eyes moving around the canvas, but the open space allows your eyes to relax, move off the canvas, and enjoy almost like you are sitting on the clifftop with me.  

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