In the Mekong

Since I started painting and stylising the clouds, I decided that I wanted to try some of the amazing sunsets and sunrises that I have seen here in this beautiful country. This particular painting was inspired by a four day scooter trip that we took to the Mekong, with our close friends. 

I am finding during these COVID times, that I am particularly drawn to the skies and nature. Seeing the spectacular skies is a great reminder of the beauty around us despite the circumstances. Even if you are in lockdown. Taking the time to notice nature, still your mind, and breathe, is becoming a greater priority while we are online so much. Painting my joy has also become my priority as I want to share the beauty that people tend to take for granted.

Inspiration:  Mekong floating market. 

Inspiration:  MuiNe Fishing Village and the sunset photo is from Serenity by the Sea, a stunning accommodation in MuiNe. The sunset photo was taken by my friend (Lisa) who was next door. These two images were taken on different trips to MuiNe. These colours truly make me so appreciative for what is around me and my circumstances during COVID.

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