Waiting for Change

This was the photo that inspired the painting.

Changing Winds

This gorgeous little girl was actually standing on An Bang beach, Hoi An. I had been wanting to paint her for a while. For this piece I really wanted to pursue the idea of “voids”, subtle open space without any distractions. Since the girl was in colour I contrasted her against neutral greys. I like how realistic she looks and the smoothness of the water. I intentionally didn’t put in waves, ripples, or reflected light. The deep grey represents uncertainty and the girl is calmly wondering what life after COVID will look like.  

MuiNe Fishing Village & my previous “Changing Winds” painting. I kept the deep grey for contrast and uncertainty, yet the yellow represents joy, or hope, and the blue is calming. I intentionally flattened the sea and wanted it to look like a paper or flat surface on the sand. This was the first time of introducing stronger colour, a stylised sky and sand. I wanted to show the importance of one person amongst the bustling crowds. Every person and every job is important.

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