Strength and Adaptability a Gift from the Heart

Strength and Adaptability, Feb

This is a painting I completed last night. It is a gift for Lois to say thank you so much for lending us your car for three weeks. Greg and I haven’t had the opportunity to drive in Ghana yet. The traffic is rather intimidating and we don’t have a car yet but Lois trustingly lent us her car which gave us the freedom we have been wanting. We could actually go food shopping without haggling for taxis, we could eat out at lovely restaurants which were too far to walk to, we even were able to have two amazing weekends away. So thanks Lois I hope you like your painting!

Personally. I am really happy with this one as it combines all my favourite elements of my previous paintings. It has the Adinkra symbols which are a lot softer than my previous paintings. The tones are realistic but still have quite an Impressionist feel. It is very calming due to the soft pastel colours. The water is quite realistic even though that was not my aim. I was able to incorporate those figures I really like. There is something quite comforting about the woman and child.

My next painting is going to be similar to this but I want to play with reflections and try it bigger.  🙂

One reply to “Strength and Adaptability a Gift from the Heart

  1. Rebecca,

    Thank you for your generosity of heart and spirit that to me flow through the paiting. I find that Ghanaians are truly generous people in ways that are not always so obvious to one at first. I think I see some of this in that in the life by the sea and the simple but clear lines in your painting. I am sure we will enjoy the painting as one of our memorable keepsakes for years to come.

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