My First TroTro

Bread Sellers at Salt Pond
Bread Sellers at Salt Pond

Ok this one was planned except for the symbols. I knew I wanted to incorporate more beautiful fabrics and continue to create the textures but this time I scrubbed the paint back off of the foil so that it had more of a shine. I was hoping to use the colours of the fabrics to inform my palette. The goal was to capture more of the browns and red-browns but I couldn’t resist adding yellow once again which I then felt needed some balancing with pale blue. I love how yellow can be used to create warmth and happiness whilst also assisting with creating a focal point, in this case the tro tro. I have wanted to paint the tro tros for such a long time due to their stickers on the back windows and variety of colours not to mention the bored hot faces peering out which tell their own stories. I am happy with the incompleteness of the tro tro and the ladies as I think it adds to the interest of the image. It wouldn’t be the same if they were complete. The rollers are being used for random effects, textures and they add subtle pattern to the image. The symbols were added last with dry brushing on top to help them disappear into the background as I didn’t want them to complete with the van. They symbolize “appreciation towards generosity”, “morality and nurture” and “contentment”. I hope you like it.

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