Tomatoes in James Town

Tomatoes in James Town

This was inspired from my previous painting which is now becoming my market series. 🙂 I knew that I wanted to paint the fresh tomatoes that we see on the stalls everywhere here in Ghana. As they were a combination of reds I figured why not begin the painting with complimentary greens. Overall it has given it a darker feel which is VERY different to my normal style. The setting was inspired from a quick drive Greg and I took through James Town which is an old but colourful part of Accra, Ghana.

I am yet to wander around there and take some photos but can’t wait to do that. This was really just capturing an impression/ memory for me. Again I tried to be realistic with the fabric and purposely harmonized her colors with the tomatoes. I really hope you like it as I know it is quite different from the beach scenes.

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