Preparing for the Market

Preparing for the Market, March

I absolutely love this painting as the colour and texture really works. I intentionally played with complimentary colours hence the limited palette of blue, orange, yellow and purple. I am very happy with the lady mainly because of  tones. In my beach scenes I was working away from realism whereas this image is heading back to reality. I used the same style of dry-brushig and sponging and have also incorporated two Adinkra symbols as the background was a bit plain. By putting the symbols in I feel as though I am linking my paintings to Ghana.

The heart is POSITIVE REVERSION- “It is not taboo to return to take back what you forgot.” (Aldolph Hilary Agbo- Values of Adinkra and Agama symbols) This symbol is saying that there is wisdom in learning from the past to help make the future better.

The other symbol is HOPE-“God, something is in heaven, let it touch my hands”. This proverb encourages people to be optimistic and positive minded.

I hope you like it.


One reply to “Preparing for the Market

  1. Beautiful – quite a change from the beach series but still the amazing colours and beautiful women. Also love the use of the symbols and the above explanation of their meanings. Ghana is definately inspiring you!

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