Boarding at Anomabo, Ghana

Boarding at Anomabo

This is the largest canvas that I have ever worked on. This time I used a chocolate brown base, added my usual textures with tissue, foil and gesso and worked from one of my favourite photos taken a couple weekends ago when we went to the beach. It was fascinating watching this young mum try and boogie board whilst the kids looked on. The little girl in the blue dress was very scared of the water and never let it touch her feet.

I like the warmth of the browns and Impressionist choice of colours. This is actually an interesting combination of my previous paintings with their beach scenes and Adinkra symbols and my new textured pieces. I wanted the colours to feel light and happy to capture the mood of these kids playing in the sand and watching their mum. The symbols represent spirituality, courage and greatness. I chose them for their meaning and their organic designs. I mainly added them because the Adinkra symbols are used everywhere in Ghana. This beach scene could be anywhere in Africa but by adding the symbols I am specifically connecting it to Ghana. Most of my paintings this year have been focusing on the daily life and hard work of the locals but I could not resist this one even though I said earlier that I wasn’t going to paint the beach again. It is such a major part of Ghana’s beauty that it is hard not to capture it.

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