I Am Back

Hi there everyone. I am sorry I haven’t written for a very long time but it always is hard getting back into my art after such a long break. We have been back in Ghana now for 9 weeks. How time flies! Despite all the amazing artistic inspirations from our trip to Europe I still had a slow start with my painting. Due to socializing with new staff, working hard on my plans, marking and organizing trips for kids and staff finding time to get back into the studio has been tough. It has certainly been a busy start to the school year. Finally I have some pieces to share with you. I will start with the ones I created today.


This one is a slightly new technique inspired from my ipad art. Last weekend my husband and I went to the beach to relax for the long weekend. During this time I uploaded photos onto my ipad and turned them into paintings from the Art Rage app. I really enjoyed this process because it allowed me to loosen up and I played with using the eraser to bring back whites.

I really loved the space created by the eraser so decided to try and introduce more white into my paintings. This was my first attempt. Previously I was laying on the textures and painting over the whole canvas in blue-black which created a fabulous contrast between the bright colours. Now I am trying the opposite by laying on the bright colours then when they are dry coming back and blocking in white as if I was using an eraser just like on the ipad. I do like this effect and would like to push it further. I am still enjoying the textures in my art as they really do seem to bring it to life.


This is different again mainly because I wanted to capture my favourite gate and tree. They are actually from two separate places on the street near my house. The gate has greater contrast in real life than what I have achieved in this painting. I think this would look really good on a bigger canvas. This one is only 40 by 40cms. I was still playing with the white in this piece. In the next one I’d like the space to be larger and more dramatic. I am also considering using trash/found objects in my art because that is something I have been keen to play with since being here in Ghana. I am thinking about incorporating bottle caps, recycled fabric and crushed painted cans. I have two paintings planned that I want to complete first. Then I am going to do some serious experimenting! Fun Fun so stay tuned. My goal is to create one or two paintings per week which will mean one or two posts per week.

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