I Have Been A Bit Too Busy To Maintain This

So here is an update of all the paintings I have created recently;


I have had two major inspirations this year. One being Sirigu with its amazing trees, pots, patterns and markets and the other being the gorgeous village near Blue Diamond resort.


I have stuck to the same style so that my work is unified. All pieces have been created with rollers, paint knives and small brushes for details.


This one was a commission for a friend who wanted her own boat photo with a saying and symbols that meant something to her personally. I added the extra words because they completely remind me of her. It was so much fun painting for a friend. Trying to guess the words and colours she would love the most.


This was inspired from my cover photo on Facebook. It had a lot more people in the shot but I thought three would be the perfect number as odd numbers tend to work better. As much as I loved the boat, when I started painting it I realized there wasn’t as much peeling paint it was actually a freshly painted boat so I exaggerated the layers a little because it is the texture that I love so much.


This was painted on a small canvas for my friends who are leaving soon. They want paintings but need to fit them into their suitcases. These seem to be my current favourite colours.


This is another small canvas which I completed today. Again with some of my traveling friends in mind. I thought I had finished painting boats but then I saw this photo again and remembered I took it specifically for a painting.



Now for something completely different and experimental. I wet the canvas with Gesso, then splashed on my random colour scheme, drew the tree with chalk and played with the rest. I have been wanting to create a tree painting for such a long time so here are a couple in a completely different style.



I love the use of the knives, rollers and especially the text because they are sayings that I really believe in and hope that they will attract and inspire other people as much as they do me.





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